Email isn't cool anymore
4213 unread emails and counting. You can till why I'm happy about the unlimited storage.
I remember when email used to be the main mode of communication for people my age. This might be a surprise to some of you, but nobody in my peer group checks their email anymore.
Myspace/Facebook has become the primary mode of communication, with some holdouts like me still clinging to instant messaging. (Even cellphones aren't really used that often anymore, other than for texting- I know friends who never answer their cellphone, ever)
Email has become more of a business tool- it's something you use to send and receive work or school-related communication, rather than social communication. Email is clunky.
It's rough being a parent in the IT age. I'm really proud of my mom for learning how to use email the past year or so, and it's nice that she's using it to keep in touch Unfortunately, my generation has passed email by, so I don't check it as often as I did when I was 15 or so. Mom has to start getting into Instant Messaging more, and quickly, before the next big Silicon-Valley innovation hits and renders that obsolete.
Funny how much can change in a few years.
Oh, some people have asked why I don't get a MySpace or Facebook account. I was going to last semester, but I got frightened off when my roomate became a Facebook zombie, spending almost 4-5 hours a day on that site. Blake is a stereotypical caffeine-infused pre-med student though, so he somehow managed to get good grades despite that. Plus, if you have a lot of contacts from disparate parts of the world, I feel IM works better.