Tuesday, July 15, 2008

My new life motto.

This appeared on the comic strip 'Pickles' in today's paper.

Read, every day, something no one else is reading. Think, every day, something no one else is thinking. Do, every day, something no one else would be silly enough to do.
Christopher Morley
US author & journalist (1890 - 1957)

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Sunday, July 13, 2008

Photos from school, and why I don't own a camera

These are pictures of what used to be my student center.

We're replacing it with a new one, over here. The dorm on the right is where I lived for most of last year- I was among the first batch of residents of the newly-constructed building.

This is how my dorm looks like (this is actually the dorm opposite mine, but the architecture is exactly the same)

This is frog fountain, the traditional landmark on campus. People normally take graduation photos around here, so expect to see me pose here in a purple graduation gown sometime next year (assuming I don't drop out of college to start a punk rock band)

These photos are shamelessly stolen from this guy. I don't own a camera, and I refuse to own one. I don't understand the concept of personal cameras really. Any memory that can be accurately preserved by a 10'' by 16'' piece of cardboard with awkwardly smiling people printed on it probably wasn't worth preserving in the first place. I'm no sucker for nostalgia, no Sirree.

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Friday, July 11, 2008

My first published journal article!

After three years of trying (and two REU programs) I've finally managed to get my research published in a mathematics journal!

At last, fame, fortune, and an Erdős number are coming my way!

Well, maybe not the "fame and fortune" part.

For the uninitiated, publications in academic journals are how mathematicians are 'evaluated'. I don't need one now as an undergraduate, of course, but it has been a good experience, and I'd like to think this helps my application for graduate school.

You can read the article here.

It's not too technical- I think the most obscure concept is that of a semigroup, which isn't that hard to understand at all. Plus, it's really short.

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Tuesday, July 08, 2008

PASSION: Kuala Lumpur

PASSION is a series of Christian Conferences for college-age people in the US that has built up quite a reputation over there.

They are beginning their first world tour, and as luck would have it Kuala Lumpur is one of the cities they're stopping at.

Their website is here.

If you want some information on what Passion is about, ChristianityToday has a good article about them.

It's at the Sunway Convention Center, 6pm on August the 3rd.