Sunday, January 13, 2008

I survived a 16-hour flight!

Air travel was the coolest thing in the world when I was 6. Dad would make us dress up, and we would go to the airport early so I could stand, face pressed against the window of the departure terminal looking at planes take off and land. At that time, airlines used to give goodies to little kids, and I could ask for stuff like playing cards, or small jigsaw puzzles. You had to ask for them, though, so my parents used those in-flight goodies as an early lesson in being assertive. I remember being disappointed every time we approached the destination airport- I wanted the trip to last forever. I remember my first long-haul flight at 13, a trip to California being so exciting that I didn't sleep a wink- or feel tired the day after.

I was on that same flight yesterday, and boy it was hell. I couldn't stand the food, I couldn't stand the inflight entertainment, I couldn't get any sleep because I felt too cramped, I was held back for two hours by LAX immigration. Funny that I had the same food, the same two-hour delay at immigration, and better inflight entertainment than on that 2000 trip that I liked so much.

The one thing I admire most about children is their ability to make the mundane things magical. I wish I could see things through those eyes again, and really appreciate once more the wonder of being propelled through space in a glorified aluminum can.

I'm getting old =(

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